Do I or don’t I….go to medical school?

Because finding an image for this post was too much work after I wrote this. Credit: (my one true love)
I’m going to make an even further departure from my regular theme of posts as I’ve been getting a few emails from readers who are looking for career advice; and my answers have had some consistent themes, so why not exploit that and make a blog post out of it, right? Read More...
Holy hell balls, only 2 weeks of class on obesity? (Or, why I really shouldn’t read stuff on Huffpost)
Medical school is full of stuff to learn. A lot of stuff. Every day is a new day of a massive volume of information. It’s like trying to take a sip from a fire hose. Residency is even more. The AMA has voted to classify obesity as a disease. An interesting move, for sure, that will ignite debate and discussion for years to come.
This has triggered a bunch of blog posts from a variety of parties who ask the obvious question: how can doctors who receive less than 2 weeks of class on obesity be adequately prepared to treat it? Read More...