Rest vs. Active Recovery
Lots of stuff happens when you’re not doing anything. It’s amazing. Your muscles rebuild (hopefully stronger than before). Your bones deteriorate less (if you’ve been doing weight bearing exercise). Britney does something silly (again). All while you’re doing nothing! Rest is an integral part of any training program. Certainly, we know that inadequate recovery is responsible for a myriad of bad things, like decreased performance, and an increased risk of injury. But what about this thing called “active recovery”? Read More...
This entry’s title is most definitely not, "Ice, Ice Baby"
But maybe I should call it, “Just because there are mistakes, doesn’t mean it’s all bad.” Read More...
A return?
For those of you who have followed my blog, thanks for all your support. I realize that I have been remiss in keeping it up, but residency…well, it’s a whole new kettle of fish, and I’m not even sure they’re all fish in there. I will likely not be updating my blog every week, though, I will try, depending on my call schedule. Basically, a review takes about 2 hours to type up, proof-read and edit (and even then, it could probably use a bit more work), but when I’m sleep-deprived, the last thing I want to do is a blog entry–as fun as it is. The tutorial entries don’t take quite as long. Two entries a week would definitely be wishful thinking at this point. If I knew how to send out auto-update notices, I would, but seeing as I don’t, I guess you’ll just have to keep checking back. RSS feeds can be useful that way. Read More...
Going the extra mile doesn’t always make things better (but then again, it might)
I picked this study for two reasons: 1) It’s actually not a half-bad study, and 2) It addresses a significant fitness issue that has been plaguing athletes, trainers and coaches for decades–to stretch or not to stretch. However, despite the study’s many strengths, it falls just short of making it truly useful in helping active people make the decision whether or not to perform static stretching. Read More...
Update on me
For those of you who don’t know (which is pretty much 99% of you), I’ve just moved and am starting a residency program here. Hence the major disruption to the blog. Thanks for continuing to check back. I am in the process of cleaning my apartment and buying furniture right now. As soon as I’m settled in, I’ll be more regular, I promise. Read More...
The mystery of the taped ankle…
I’m back from a one-month vacation in Sweden, and thanks to a horrible delay at the Frankfurt airport was able to get a review done for this week. Thanks for being patient with me and as soon as I install the rest of my regular software on this new hard drive, I’ll be fully up and running…if only I could remember which box I packed it all in… Read More...
More excuses
I’m in Sweden right now–Stockholm actually. My laptop’s hard drive failed and is now sitting in the Apple dealer’s store waiting for a new hard drive. Fortunately, I managed to back everything up on my iPod (yay!). Unfortunately, this also means that I will not be updating this blog until I have my computer back. I swear I am not making this up. Thank you for being patient. Read More...
I promise, this blog is not dead.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Apologies, no blog this week
I was going to review a study on ankle taping this week, but packing to move across the country, trying to plan a trip across the ocean and trying to study across all subjects got in the way. Read More...
HIIT vs Steady State–Again.
Thanks to Mike Knowles who suggested this week’s study (which, incidentally, was incorrectly cited in that publication you sent me, but that’s not your fault 🙂 ). Read More...