Beta-alanine: The meta-analysis – 18 trials, still a marginal effect
I’ve always thought a meta-analysis on beta-alanine was a good idea. So many of the trials have been underpowered, that it felt like weren’t getting anywhere fast. I wanted to be the one to do it, but life circumstances have kept me from focusing on much other than my main career. So it was a pleasant surprise to see that someone else had the same idea.
With just 11 weeks left before my exams though, I’m going to keep this blog entry brief. Read More...
Moment of weakness, act of strength

I’m in what is probably the most stressful period of my life right now, studying for my Canadian board exams. This means that I’m letting my “diet” slip to cope. The other day, while I feeling sorry for myself, I bought a bulk bag of chocolate mini-eggs. We’re not talking the package that you can hold in one hand; we’re talking the package that basically has a handle.
I’m not so far over the edge that I would eat a whole sack of chocolate eggs in one sitting yet. Give me a few weeks. But after a few handfuls, I realized that I had succumbed to a moment of weakness and that eating (eventually) this bag of delicious chocolate eggs really wasn’t in my best interest. There’s coping (a small package of chocolate eggs), and then there’s overcompensation. Read More...